How To Natural Release An Instant Pot: A Pressure Release Guide

If you’ve ever felt confusion and anxiety about releasing the pressure from your Instant Pot, this guide to how to natural release Instant Pots is sure to help! You’ll learn the differences between natural release vs. quick release, their benefits and drawbacks, and when to use them.

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If there’s one thing that makes people nervous about using the Instant Pot, it’s the PRESSURE! Not the pressure of cooking a Pinterest-worthy meal, but rather the question of how to release the pressure from the pot once the food is done cooking.

My goal is to answer all your most press-ing questions about Instant Pot pressure release methods, so if you’ve found yourself wondering things like “Does Keep Warm prevent natural release?”, you’re in the right place.

Jillee’s Take:

Pressure cooking can be a little intimidating, and trying to grasp the differences between pressure release methods can make it both intimidating and confusing! But understanding the correct uses for quick and natural release will make every aspect of Instant Pot cooking easier, from making perfect hard-boiled eggs to turning out your best cheesecake ever.
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A Review Of Important Instant Pot Terms

Since we’re focusing on the Instant Pot, there are a few parts you’ll need to be able to identify for the information in this post to make sense. Here’s a quick review of the most important parts that pertain to pressure release:

  • Pressure Release Handle – This is the big knob on the lid used to release pressure from the pot manually and can be set to “Sealing” or “Venting.”
  • Float Valve – This is the round metal piece next to the pressure release handle. When it is level with the lid, the pot is pressurized; when the valve drops down, the pot is no longer pressurized and can be opened safely.
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  • Pressure Release Button (Newer models only) – Instead of a pressure release handle, newer Instant Pot models have a pressure release valve and button. Pressing the button triggers the release valve to open and release steam, just like turning the pressure release handle on an older model does.

Note: Other electric pressure cookers work in pretty much the same way. If you have a pressure cooker that isn’t an Instant Pot, the information in this post should still be useful and applicable, even if the parts on your pressure cooker have slightly different names.

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Instant Pot Natural Release

How To Use The Natural Release Method

  1. After cooking, leave the Instant Pot alone and allow it to cool down and depressurize on its own. (This can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or more, depending on how full the pot is.)
  2. The process is done when the float valve drops; if the valve is still flush with the top of the lid, the pot is still pressurized.
  3. Before opening the lid, turn the pressure release handle to “Venting,” or press the pressure release button. (This extra step can help release the sealing ring from the base and make it easier to remove the lid.)

Advantages Of Natural Release

Using Natural Release, the pressure inside the Instant Pot drops gradually over time. There’s less movement inside the pressure cooker, which is good when the pot is full or you’re cooking something frothy like Instant Pot dried beans or grains.

The Natural Release method is also useful when you’re cooking big cuts of red meat. The slow and steady pressure release gives the meat time to rest and reabsorb moisture, resulting in juicer, more tender meats.

Disadvantages Of Natural Release

The main drawback of the Natural Release method is that it can take a long time! If you’re cooking a giant pot of chili for dinner and you’re hungry right now, the time it takes for the pressure to drop naturally will feel like an eternity.

Additionally, the Natural Release method isn’t friendly to foods that are easily overcooked. Delicate foods like seafood, fruits, and vegetables may well turn into mush before your pressure cooker fully depressurizes.

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Instant Pot Quick Release

How To Use The Quick Release Method

  1. After cooking, carefully turn the pressure release handle from “Sealing” to “Venting” (or press the pressure release button) to open the valve and quickly release pressure from the pot.
  2. When the float valve drops, carefully open the lid.

Advantages Of Quick Release

One advantage of Quick Release is that it stops the cooking process right away. This helps prevent seafood, fruits, vegetables, and other delicate foods from overcooking.

Another advantage is right in the name: it’s quick! It may take a minute or two for all the steam and pressure to release through the valve, but it’ll be much faster than allowing the pressure to release naturally.

Disadvantages Of Quick Release

Quick Release creates a lot of movement inside the pot, especially when the pot is very full or you’re cooking something foamy or starchy. Quick Release may cause liquid or bits of food to spurt out of the release valve and make a mess.

Another side effect of the rapid change in pressure is that some foods (beans in particular) can break apart or burst. Using Quick Release after cooking large cuts of meat can cause them to turn out tough or chewy.

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Instant Pot 10-Minute “Magic Release”

How To Use The Magic Release Method

  1. After cooking, allow your Instant Pot to depressurize naturally for 10 minutes. (If the “Keep Warm” setting is on, the display will tell you how many minutes have elapsed since the timer went off.)
  2. After 10 minutes, turn the pressure release handle from “Sealing” to “Venting” (or press the pressure release button) to open the steam valve and quickly release the remaining pressure.
  3. After the float valve drops, carefully open the lid.

Advantages Of Magic Release

This pressure release method represents a compromise between the Natural Release and Quick Release methods. It’s a good option to choose when you’re not sure which method to use, or when an Instant Pot recipe isn’t clear about how you should depressurize the pot.

Magic Release also mediates some of the disadvantages of the other two methods. It’s faster than Natural Release and gentler than Quick Release, so you can eat sooner with less mess to clean up afterward.

Disadvantages Of Magic Release

The disadvantages you might experience using Magic Release vary from food to food. If you were cooking a big roast, it would probably be slightly less tender than if you had used Natural Release.

If you cooked a big pot of grains and then used Magic Release, you might see minor spurts of liquid or food come out of the valve (but nothing that would require a big cleanup effort!)

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Note: For more on using Natural Release, Quick Release, and Magic Release, check out my Instant Pot Cooking Times Cheat Sheet. It features cooking times and pressure-release recommendations for all your favorite foods!

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Does Keep Warm Prevent Natural Release?

Many Instant Pot users, myself included, wonder how the “Keep Warm” setting affects the various pressure release methods. After much research and experimentation, I’m ready to share what I’ve learned! :-)

The “Keep Warm” function is active by default, meaning that it will engage when cooking ceases unless you disengage it. Keep Warm not only maintains a low level of heat under the pot but also starts a “reverse timer” to track the number of minutes that have elapsed since the cooking process stopped.

Does Keep Warm prevent natural release? No, the Keep Warm function DOES NOT significantly impact pressure release, regardless of which method you’re using. For example, when using Natural Release after cooking a big pot of chili, it would take a similar amount of time for your Instant Pot to depressurize whether Keep Warm was active or not.

So there’s no real harm in leaving Keep Warm on when using your Instant Pot, and it can help keep food warm between first and second helpings. Plus, the reverse timer can be quite useful, especially for Magic Release!

Important Instant Pot Safety Tips

While Instant Pots and other electric pressure cookers are generally very safe to use, there are a couple safety tips you should keep in mind:

  • Never force the lid open. If the float valve has dropped and you’ve opened the steam release valve, the lid should open with little resistance. (If it doesn’t, leave it alone for a few minutes, then try again.)
  • When using Quick Release, keep your hands and face away from the steam release valve. (The steam shoots straight up, so just make sure to stand off to the side.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Instant Pot Natural Release?

The Natural Release method involves letting your pressure cooker depressurize naturally without interference.

Natural Release Vs. Quick Release: How Do They Compare?

The biggest difference between the two methods is speed. Natural Release takes longer than using Quick Release to manually release pressure. Furthermore, Natural Release is a gentler process that helps tenderize meats, while Quick Release is less gentle and helps prevent overcooking.

How Long Does It Take To Natural Release An Instant Pot?

The time it takes for an Instant Pot to depressurize naturally depends on how full it is, but you can expect it to take about 10-30 minutes.

Is It Necessary To Release Any Remaining Pressure After Using Natural Release?

It’s a good practice to open the pressure release handle (or press the button, if your Instant Pot has one) after using Natural Release because it can help release the sealing ring if it gets stuck to the base.

What Happens When You Release Pressure Too Early From An Instant Pot?

If you release pressure too early in an Instant Pot, it can result in undercooked food, foam spurting out of the release valve, or both.

How Do You Know When It’s Safe To Open The Instant Pot Lid?

When the float valve drops down below the level of the lid, that means the pot is no longer pressurized and is safe to open. Some models can also indicate the lid is safe to open through an audible signal and display icon.

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BONUS: Take A Beginner-Friendly Instant Pot Course

If fear and uncertainty are holding you back from making the most of your Instant Pot (or even taking it out of the box), don’t miss my Instant Pot video course! It covers all the basics, so it’s great for beginners and seasoned users alike.

Instant Success with Jillee will teach you how to use your Instant Pot, troubleshoot common problems, and much more. You’ll get all the tips, tricks, and information you need to go from a nervous newbie to an Instant Pot Pro in under one hour!

The course includes access to other useful materials like my two bestselling Instant Pot e-books (Everything Instant Pot and Instant Pot Favorites), a cooking times printable, and a printable guide to Instant Pot programs. Learn more about Instant Success!

What’s your favorite thing to make in your Instant Pot?

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


Instant Pot Recipes & Tips