What a weekend I’m having! I won’t even go into it because I don’t want to think about it anymore, but when I sat down last night to do my blog post, my rotten weekend decided to go from BAD to WORSE! I went to edit the pictures I’d taken and POOF, they were gone! I don’t have the slightest clue what happened, they simply aren’t anywhere to be found! This was ALMOST the straw that broke the blogs back….but I decided to dig down deep and proceed to Plan B. (Oh how I wish I really had a plan B!)
Since it was VERY late at night when I discovered this disastrous turn of events, I went in search of something “quick & dirty” (as we used to say in the TV news biz) that I could throw together. I decided to dig deep into my ‘One Good Thing By YOU’ collection of ideas, and for some reason this sweet little gem stood out. How to HAND WASH your dishes! I know the majority of us probably have dishwashers, but I also know there are plenty of times when there are more dirty dishes than even that can handle. (And if you’re like my daughter Britta, and your apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher, hand washing is the ONLY option!)
So here is a step-by-step guide to hand-washing your dirty dishes, by someone who knows their way around the kitchen sink — one of my savvy readers! :-) (I’m sad to say I don’t have the name of the person who submitted it, so if you’re out there and recognize it, please leave a comment! I would love to give credit where credit is due.)
Thank you mystery reader for saving my bacon (and post) for today!
Mystery reader writes………….
- For those, like me, who are not blessed with dishwashers AND have a sink of dirty dishes, start by taking all the dishes OUT of the sink… sort by glassware, silverware, plates/bowls, plastics, & pots/pans.
- Pots & pans can soak with hot soapy water in them, on the stove while following these steps:
- Fill the sink with HOT, soapy water and antibacterial dish soap (sometimes I will add 1/2 cup bleach.)
- Add the plates/bowls, glassware & silverware.
- Take a 15-minute break. Check emails, call a friend, read another chapter of your book. Allow the hot, soapy water to do its magic!
- After 15 minutes, sponge the glasses & dishes, rinse with HOT water……..
- And put in the dish drainer (leaving silverware in the sink.)
- Now add the plastics & enough HOT water to cover them.
- After another 15 minute break, put dry glassware & dishes in cabinets.
- Soap your sponge with the antibacterial soap, and wash the plastics, rinsing with HOT water, then put in drainer.
- This is also the time to finish the silverware!
- Lastly, if there were any pots soaking, you are now ready to finish the washing.
- Dry pots & pans & put in cabinets.
- Take another short break and when you return to your “clean” dishes, go ahead & put the plastics & silverware away.
- Wipe off counters & stove top, refrigerator door handle & anything else with a smudge…and enjoy a job well (and efficiently) done!
Being your own dishwasher can be a pain, but it’s amazing how some simple techniques like these can make a big difference!
What are your tips for washing dishes efficiently?