A Step-By-Step Guide To Washing Dishes by Hand

Washing Dishes

What a weekend I’m having! I won’t even go into it because I don’t want to think about it anymore, but when I sat down last night to do my blog post, my rotten weekend decided to go from BAD to WORSE! I went to edit the pictures I’d taken and POOF, they were gone! I don’t have the slightest clue what happened, they simply aren’t anywhere to be found! This was ALMOST the straw that broke the blogs back….but I decided to dig down deep and proceed to Plan B. (Oh how I wish I really had a plan B!)

Since it was VERY late at night when I discovered this disastrous turn of events, I went in search of something “quick & dirty” (as we used to say in the TV news biz) that I could throw together. I decided to dig deep into my ‘One Good Thing By YOU’ collection of ideas, and for some reason this sweet little gem stood out. How to HAND WASH your dishes! I know the majority of us probably have dishwashers, but I also know there are plenty of times when there are more dirty dishes than even that can handle. (And if you’re like my daughter Britta, and your apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher, hand washing is the ONLY option!)

So here is a step-by-step guide to hand-washing your dirty dishes, by someone who knows their way around the kitchen sink — one of my savvy readers! :-) (I’m sad to say I don’t have the name of the person who submitted it, so if you’re out there and recognize it, please leave a comment! I would love to give credit where credit is due.)

Thank you mystery reader for saving my bacon (and post) for today!

Mystery reader writes………….

  • For those, like me, who are not blessed with dishwashers AND have a sink of dirty dishes, start by taking all the dishes OUT of the sink… sort by glassware, silverware, plates/bowls, plastics, & pots/pans.
  • Pots & pans can soak with hot soapy water in them, on the stove while following these steps:

Washing Dishes

  • Fill the sink with HOT, soapy water and antibacterial dish soap (sometimes I will add 1/2 cup bleach.)
  • Add the plates/bowls, glassware & silverware.

Washing Dishes

  • Take a 15-minute break. Check emails, call a friend, read another chapter of your book. Allow the hot, soapy water to do its magic!
  • After 15 minutes, sponge the glasses & dishes, rinse with HOT water……..

Washing Dishes

  • And put in the dish drainer (leaving silverware in the sink.)

Washing Dishes

  • Now add the plastics & enough HOT water to cover them.
  • After another 15 minute break, put dry glassware & dishes in cabinets.

Washing Dishes

  • Soap your sponge with the antibacterial soap, and wash the plastics, rinsing with HOT water, then put in drainer.
  • This is also the time to finish the silverware!

Washing Dishes

Washing Dishes

  • Lastly, if there were any pots soaking, you are now ready to finish the washing.
  • Dry pots & pans & put in cabinets.

Washing Dishes

  • Take another short break and when you return to your “clean” dishes, go ahead & put the plastics & silverware away.

Washing Dishes

  • Wipe off counters & stove top, refrigerator door handle & anything else with a smudge…and enjoy a job well (and efficiently) done!

Washing Dishes

Being your own dishwasher can be a pain, but it’s amazing how some simple techniques like these can make a big difference!

Washing Dishes

What are your tips for washing dishes efficiently?

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


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