9 Surprisingly Useful Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

When I think of the scents of the fall and winter seasons, the smell of cinnamon is one of the first to come to mind. In my humble opinion, there are fewer smells that are more enticing than a pan of cinnamon rolls baking in the oven! You could probably find thousands of delicious recipes, both sweet and savory, that utilize cinnamon, which is a testament to just how popular this spice is! And its’ popularity isn’t a recent development—not by a long shot! In fact, people have been eating and using it for almost 5,000 years.

In honor of this prized spice, I thought I’d share a few surprising uses for cinnamon that I learned about recently! (And if you’ve got a tip that isn’t listed here, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!) :-)

9 Surprising Uses For Cinnamon

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

1. Stimulate Hair Growth

A cinnamon treatment can help wake up your scalp and improve overall hair growth. Mix together equal parts of ground cinnamon and honey, and apply to problem areas on your scalp. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then wash as usual.

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

2. Repel Moths

You can use a combination of cinnamon and other spices to help repel moths from your clothes. Fill a small sachet with a cinnamon stick, 1 tablespoon of black peppercorns, and 1 tablespoon of whole cloves. Place the sachet in a drawer or hang it in your closet.

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

3. Make Place Settings

You can make festive place cards in seconds using cinnamon sticks! Just make a name card for each person attending your dinner, and slide the bottom of each card into the crack of the stick. Easy!

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

4. Erase Scuffs & Scratches

Use cinnamon to erase scrapes, scuffs, and scratches on wooden furniture. Rub a pinch of ground cinnamon on the scuffed area, and watch it disappear!

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

5. In Your Car

Use cinnamon as an air freshener in your car, and experience some great added benefits! The scent of cinnamon has been shown to improve alertness and reduce anxiety, so you can have a less stressful commute.

Related:  How To Make 3 Naturally-Scented Air Fresheners For Cars

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

6. Treat Athlete’s Foot

Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, which makes it a great natural remedy for fungal conditions like athlete’s foot. To make an easy treatment, boil 10 cinnamon sticks in 4 cups of water. Let the mixture cool, then soak your feet for about 20 minutes. Repeat as needed.

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

7. Deodorize Carpets

Cinnamon is a great deodorizer, and makes a great addition to a deodorizing powder for carpets. Learn how to make a cheap and all-natural carpet powder at the link below!

Related: How To Make A Cheap & Natural Deodorizing Carpet Powder

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

8. Soothe Nausea

The antioxidants found in cinnamon can help soothe an upset stomach (when consumed in small doses.) Make a simple “cinnamon tea” by boiling 1 cinnamon stick in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. Strain, then drink warm.

Things You Can Do With Cinnamon

9. Curb Cravings

Cinnamon can help regulate your blood sugar, and help prevent those midday cravings for something sweet. Set yourself up for success throughout the day by sprinkling a bit of cinnamon on your morning oatmeal or in your cup of coffee!

Time to go hit up the spice rack!

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


Bright Ideas

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  1. Re use of cinnamon. You can also use powdered cinnamon as a plant stimulator. Whenever I repot and/or separate my orchids I dip the cut ends and roots in cinnamon powder before planting them. The cinnamon keeps bacteria out of the cut stems and gives the plant an extra growth boost just like commercial rooting powder.

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  2. I love all kinds of helpful tips and hints.

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  3. If you have ants put down some cinnamon and they go away.

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  4. Mrs. Jillee , can you put that sachet in your suitcase for traveling too?

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  5. As you get to the bottom of your cinnamon jar, add sugar to make your own cinnamon sugar mix for toast, stirring into pancakes, topping apple muffins, etc. Great! Now I’m hungry

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  6. I add ground cinnamon (and sometimes nutmeg, cloves or ginger!) to my coffee grounds. Smells good brewing and tastes great! Plus maybe some health benefits as well.

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  7. Thank you Jillee for your wonderful ideas! I save your posts, and it all started with your miracle pain relief cream! The one with essential oils and vitamin E cream! Works like a charmI. I was hooked on your posts! Thanks so much for these great ideas! Dee. Lavers

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  8. I take cinnamon capsules every day for my diabetes. It helps to keep blood sugar levels within normal range. I have been taking it for years and for me I believe it helps!!

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  9. I LOVE wipes and use them for everything. In my opinion, they don’t make enough of them. I love putting alcohol/handgel on them and killing germs and odors. I have used them for just about everything listed and in the comments. And Huggies will get pine tar off of your vehicles if you park under pine trees.

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  10. There is absolutely no medical evidence that either cinnamon or honey or a combination of the two will in any way promote hair growth or stop the loss of hair.

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    • I’m looking for a recipe for ornaments made with cinnamon. I made it about 20 years ago. It only uses white glue and cinnamon and the ornaments are microwaved. If anyone can help me I’d be grateful.

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      • I think it was in church that I learned combining lots of ground cinnamon with apple sauce and pressing them into molds and letting them dry to be made as ornaments/sachet. It was interesting because when the smell starts to fade you can just scratch the surface a bit and it brings out the smell again.

  11. Like to add to #8, Nausea relief, it is also great for diarrhea, when I have a bout I like to have cinnamon capsules on hand, you can also make your own with plain capsules you can pick up at a local health food store or online. I also sprinkle it on mushrooms growing on my lawn, it destroys better then store bought products made for this purpose. Love your great information on your sight, I’ve used many of your ideas, the latest is the tension rod under the sink, I put one in the closet behind my coats for scarves, my closet is under my stairs so it’s deep.

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  12. You can make unedible ornaments out of cinnamon, applesauce and white glue. You can also get large sizes at warehouse stores if your going to make a lot. Cut out the ornaments with cookie cutters. There are several different recipes on the web. This is a fun project to keep kids busy.



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  13. Caveat: Once I followed a Dr. Oz recipe by a guest for a cinnamon facial. I got 2nd-degree burns on my face! Be careful if using on your scalp, because I would have a similar reaction I’m certain. However, I can consume cinnamon with no problems and I especially like some of the commenters’ ideas (Meg, Shirley), as well as your tips. Cinnamon is often suggested for ant control, but I find it waaayyy too messy.

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  14. Cinnamon is a healthy spice for diabetes. Just add to hot tea or a coffee latte. It’s also great on oatmeal.

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  15. To a coffee cup add 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon pour hot water over and mix well. This is really great for sore arthritic joints. Enjoy

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  16. Hi Jillee Do you know there are to types of cinnamon .
    The real one has sweet taste .
    The cheap one is not sweet , and can be harmful to your heath.
    You have very good Imfo

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    • Yes, I am surprised she didn’t mention the difference between Cassia (cheapo, fake cinnamon) and Ceylon cinnamon — the real, pure stuff that is SO SO amazing the taste is to die for!!!

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  17. If you sprinkle it on the compost when you plant seeds it also stops the seedlings damping off and dying when they sprout.

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