When you’ve been cooking for as long as I have, it’s easy to feel like you already know everything there is to know about the stuff in your kitchen. But in reality, you may be using your kitchen items incorrectly without even knowing it!

In this post, we’ll explore 15 kitchen items that are often either used incorrectly, or aren’t utilized to their fullest extent. Not only will you learn some new things about your kitchen tools, but you’ll also learn how to keep a cleaner, more functional, and more efficient kitchen!
Related: The One Simple Fix You Need To Know If You Have A Stand Mixer
15 Kitchen Items You’re Using The Wrong Way

1. Kitchen Knives
A knife is a knife is a knife, right? Not necessarily! Some knives are better suited to different tasks, such as using a serrated knife to cut homemade bread without accidentally smashing it. Serrated knives are also great for cutting soft produce like tomatoes and strawberries.

Another knife that many people overlook is the paring knife. In addition to cutting small items, you can also use your paring knife to peel fruits and vegetables, remove seeds, and even de-vein shrimp.

2. Dishwasher
Where you place your dishes inside your dishwasher makes a big difference! A study published in Chemical Engineering Journal found that dishes with carb-based residues (like potatoes, pasta, etc.) are cleaned more thoroughly when placed near the center of the machine. The study also concluded that dishes with protein-based residues (like meat, cheese, etc.) should be placed around the edges of your dishwasher for optimal cleaning.
Related: 11 Dishwasher Do’s And Don’ts You Need To Know

3. Food Processor
Some people use their food processor and blender interchangeably, but they’re actually better suited to different tasks. Food processors are best when used to chop up solid, dry foods or make chunky sauces.

4. Blender
Your blender, on the other hand, is a helpful tool for making smooth soups, sauces, and beverages. But blenders can struggle if you don’t add your ingredients in the right order, so start with your liquids first, then add smaller ingredients. Layer large ingredients on top, then add the hardest ingredients last (like ice or vegetable stalks).

5. Refrigerator
Many people use the shelves in the door of their fridge to store things like milk and juice for easy access. But this isn’t a great idea, because the door shelves are one of the warmest parts of your fridge.
Instead, it’s better to use those door shelves to store things like condiments, water, and shelf-stable juices, since these items don’t need to be kept quite as cold. Store your milk and fresh juices on the main shelves of your fridge to make sure they stay cold.

Another factor that affects the temperature of your fridge is how much food you have in it. It’s fine to have a lot of food in your fridge, as long as there is enough space between items to allow air to circulate. If air can’t circulate, your items won’t get sufficiently cold and may even spoil!

6. Garlic Press
If you own and use a garlic press, you may be surprised to learn that you don’t actually have to peel your garlic cloves before pressing them. The garlic “skins” will stay inside the press, and only the good parts will get pushed through the holes.

7. Freezer
Most people don’t use their freezers nearly often enough. It’s a great place to store your leftovers so they stay fresh for longer. Using your freezer often will help you cut down on food waste, and less food waste means keeping more money in your pocket!
Related: 20 Ways To Use Your Freezer To Save Time & Money

8. Garbage Disposal
It seems instinctive to use hot water when you’re operating your garbage disposal, but cold water is often the better choice. Hot water causes many foods to melt, and melty foods can stick to the disposal blades and to the inside of your pipes. Cold water keeps food solid, and solid foods are much easier to crush and rinse away.

9. Stand Mixer
Most people who use a stand mixer don’t know that you can adjust the height of your paddle attachment. It should rest a few millimeters above the bowl; any higher and it won’t mix properly, and any lower and it will scratch up your bowl.

10. Microwave
To use your microwave properly, you should know the wattage of your particular model. The wattage is how much power your microwave produces and it affects how quickly food cooks. Many frozen food labels suggest different time recommendations based on wattage, so it’s important to know yours. You can find it in your microwave’s User Manual, or on the front or back of your microwave.

11. Oven
Opening your oven door while cooking or baking can be a risky move because the temperature in your oven can drop up to 130°F every time you do it. This temperature swing can cause disastrous results, like collapsing cakes and undercooked food. If you need to open the oven door during the cooking process, do it as quickly as you can to minimize the temperature drop.

Additionally, the drawer underneath your oven may be more useful than you had thought! Depending on your oven’s make and model, that drawer may be for storage, warming, or even broiling. Read your oven’s User Manual to find out what your oven drawer should be used for, and how to make the most of it.

12. Slow Cooker
Much like the oven, your slow cooker can suffer a dramatic temperature drop if you lift the lid during cooking. It’s hard to resist the temptation to peek, but your food will be better off if you just leave it alone!

13. Vegetable Peeler
When you use a vegetable peeler, make sure to move the peeler away from you, rather than towards you. Not only is peeling away from you safer, but it also results in a cleaner and neater finished product.

14. Wood Cutting Boards
Moisture and heat can both warp wooden cutting boards, so rather than cleaning it under the faucet or in your dishwasher, use half a lemon and some coarse salt. The salt will scrub away messes, and the lemon will disinfect the surface. After scrubbing, wipe the board clean with a clean cloth, and don’t forget to treat the wood regularly with a cutting board conditioner too.

15. Spaghetti Spoon
The hole in the center of your spaghetti spoon isn’t only for draining; you can also use it for measuring! Slide dry spaghetti through the hole to measure out one serving of noodles.
What’s the most mind-blowing fact you’ve learned about your kitchen items?