Tips For An Organized Garage

Garage Organization

It’s been quite a week at my house! My mother-in-law has been in town visiting, my husband developed a gigantic-sized “man cold,” and then he saw fit to pass it on to me! ugh. So working on this garage organization post has been challenging to say the least, but I did manage to take photos of some of the organization ideas we currently use at our house and also managed to implement a few new ones that I’d been meaning to try! While I didn’t manage a complete garage makeover, all-in-all I’m pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish despite some obstacles. :-)

Let’s start with some my favorite tried-and-true garage organization tips:

My husband and sons are avid ice fishermen (I know, crazy, huh?) and all their coats, and insulated overalls, etc. take a good amount of space that I simply can’t spare inside the house. So a few years ago we rigged up with rod in the garage to hang all that gear on. All we did was mount two closet rod brackets to the bottom of some existing shelving in our garage and got a four-foot length of wooden closet rod at Home Depot. If you look closely you can see my husband also stores his regular fishing rod behind the clothing by resting it in the bottom of the two brackets. Pretty smart huh?

It does tend to get a little dusty in the garage, but it’s ice-fishing gear! I don’t worry too much about it. ;-)

Garage Organization

Another great thing we did using simple metal shelf brackets that you can purchase at any hardware store, is create a place to store the folding chairs we use when we have parties. We are big believers is getting as much as possible up off the floor of the garage and onto the walls. This works perfectly!

Just an aside here….one of the things that BUGS me most about our garage is that while we went to the expense of having it drywalled, as you can see from the pictures, we STILL haven’t gotten around to PAINTING IT after almost 10 years! How silly is that? After doing this post you can bet that will be on the TOP of my To-Do List this spring! :-)

Garage Organization

Moving on. :-)  While I have to admit my bike didn’t come down off these hooks once this summer (I know, I know, shame on me!) putting these bike hooks up was a great way of freeing up space in our cramped garage.

Garage Organization

Another great way to maximize floor space in the garage is getting all the long-handled equipment up off the floor and onto the wall. These garage wall tool racks are inexpensive, easy to mount, and go a LONG way towards a more organized garage! This is actually one of TWO we mounted in our garage.

Garage Organization

For those items that are a little bulkier and won’t hang flush against the wall, bicycle hooks mounted under existing shelves do the trick! We are HUGE fans of these big hooks! We have them mounted on the ceiling, under shelving, on the walls, etc. They can be used in a myriad of ways to get things up off the floor!!

Garage Organization

Even large nails placed strategically around the garage can keep items handy and completely out of the way. This pair of shears that we use a lot during the summer are tucked away right inside the garage door and are easy to grab when a pruning emergency arises. :-)

Garage Organization

As much as I love nails and hooks for hanging, some items, like a garden hose, simply won’t fit on a hook. In these cases I find bungee cords to be my best garage-organizing friend!

Garage Organization

Here a bungee cord, combined with a bike hook, makes a perfect hanger for this industrial-sized extension cord.

Garage Organization
Garage Organization

For outdoor products you buy in bulk such as ice melt for sidewalks, dog food, bird seed, etc., a medium-sized (or large-sized) galvanized trash can is a great way to avoid having lots of open bags that are prone to spilling laying around. My husband has a pellet smoker and I have found this is the most efficient and attractive way to store his rather large supply of pellets.

Garage Organization

Now that I’ve shown you some of our tried-and-true garage organization practices…I’m excited to share with you a few NEW ideas I implemented as I put together this post. While it has only been a few days, I’m loving ALL of them!

We have some free-standing shelving in the garage that seems to become a dumping ground of all the “little stuff” that we keep in the garage. Nails, screws, drill bits, etc, etc, etc. They all collect here in a big mess. I decided a few small bins might be in order to not only clear the clutter, but to make things easier to find. I decided to start small with just 4 bins, but I already know I will be purchasing more! These bins I purchased at Home Depot even came with their own labels you can write on. :-)

Garage Organization
Garage Organization

Another thing we seem to have a plethora of lying around on the shelves is TOOLS. Even though we have more than one tool box, it seems after we use a tool, it never ends up back in the box. I had seen the idea of a magnetic strip for storing oft-used tools several different places in my research and knew I had to give it a try! I could not be happier with this simple little item. We mounted it right next to the shelving in easy reach and now there are no excuses for not putting tools back where you found them at our house! :-)

Garage Organization
Garage Organization

Since I love the look (and functionality) of my galvanized trash can so much, I decided to pick up a few galvanized buckets as well to help corral items that don’t lend themselves to being hung on the wall. These would be great for all sorts of sports equipment (I used one of them for baseball mitts that I never seem to know where to put) but I really like them as a place to keep winter hats and gloves as well.

The labels are simply chalkboard stickers I bought at Michaels craft store and wrote on with a chalk pen. So handy – and cute to boot! :-)

Garage Organization
Garage Organization

This idea required no investment of money and hardly any investment of time either! I spotted this idea in the background of a picture once and thought it was pretty genius. I don’t know about you, but we have a ridiculous amount of various kinds of tape in our garage and house. We also happen to have a ridiculous number of suit hangers (with the locking pant bar), so this was a marriage made in heaven. A ready-made DIY tape dispenser. :-)

Garage Organization

Last, but certainly not least, on my garage organization check list this week was figuring out what to do with summer clothes now that we’ve entered into Fall. (It’s supposed to get down to 30 degrees tonight! yikes!) In the past I have simply shuffled things around in my closet, putting the out-of-season things in the back, bringing seasonal clothes to the front. Not very practical. I really needed to make some room in my closet so I invested in several of these see-through bins to store my off-season wardrobe. I really liked these bins in particular because the lids are attached and you don’t run the risk of misplacing them (not that *I* would ever do such a thing!) And once again I utilized the chalkboard stickers as labels. I even put a second set of stickers on the opposite ends of the bins so that come springtime I can repeat the process with my Winter clothes and simply turn the bins around when stored.

I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to do this! My closet now has PLENTY of room in it! Might be time to go shopping! ;-)

Garage Organization
Garage Organization

Like I said earlier, despite a fairly chaotic week, I was able to implement several of these organization ideas with little time, money, or effort involved. But I was pleasantly surprised at what a difference even a little more organization can make!

If your garage is in need of a serious garage overhaul…here are few steps to keep in mind:

Have A Game Plan

What is your priority for your garage? To park your car? To have a workspace? To store seasonal items and sporting equipment? You may be able to have it all if you take a minute to prioritize how you want to use the space.

Clean and Prep

The only way to know what is in the garage is to remove everything inside and start with a clean slate. Once everything is out, sweep and wash down the floors and dust cobwebs from corners.


As you pull things out of the garage, gather all of your sporting equipment together in one spot, then your tools, lawn gear, camping gear, decorations and so on.


Start by making four piles: keep, donate, trash, recycle. As you purge, place each item into its respective category. Get rid of anything that is broken or things you haven’t used in over a year. Return items that don’t belong to you or belong somewhere else other than the garage. Get rid of duplicates.

Map Out Your Space

Now that you’ve cut down all of your stuff, time to map out the space. Don’t forget to go vertical and overhead. Consider your walls to hang items or install shelving. And what about the ceiling? You may be able to put plywood boards along rafters to store seasonal or seldom used items.

Buy/Recycle Organizational Supplies

You don’t need to spend a fortune on supplies, a lot of things you already have will work. You can use large trash cans to store rakes, shovels and brooms upright, or to store sporting equipment. Recycled glass jars or small plastic containers can keep nails & screws organized, and tin cans are great for paintbrushes & screwdrivers!

Put Everything Away

Put everything away in their designated zone and start labeling. Label as much as you can, it just makes it easier to find and put things away.

Enjoy Your New Garage!

You’ve worked hard to organize your garage and you’ve earned it.

Read This Next

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


Homekeeping Tips

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  1. Pingback: 19 Inexpensive Ways to Organize Your Garage | Two Cutepeas in a Pod
  2. Organizing your shoes or if you have too many.

    Buy the rectangular plastic storage boxes, just the size of a shoe box. Take a picture of the pair of shoes that will be going into the box. Glue the picture to the end of the pastime storage box. Then stack with the end showing. Now you have all your shoes and you have a picture of what is in the shoe box.

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  3. Pingback: Treasured Tidbits by Tina » Garage Planning
  4. Pingback: The singles of TAM - Page 1617
  5. Great ideas, I added a magnetic strip to my shopping list for my future garage clean-up. Milk crate stacking sounds good too. We have an old milk can with a rusting bottom, after we cut the rusty part off, attach it to the garage wall for a containment for the long handled yard tools.
    Smart of you not to paint your drywall until after organizing – you can see where the studs are!

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  6. Great ideas! I love when people inspire others to get organized. Have you seen Monkey Bar Storage systems? They are another useful tool for getting the garage organized.

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  7. Pingback: DIY Projects #1766
  8. I love the plastic bin idea with the dual chalkboard stickers! I have some in the garage but always had issues labeling them. The labels never seem to stick. We have some containers with little drawers in them to hold all of our screws, nails, nuts & bolts, etc. They are AMAZINGLY helpful in keeping all of them corralled and organized.

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  9. Jillee, this could not have come at a better time! We just moved into our new home and our plan for the weekend is to organize the garage before it gets to cold! Perfect timing! I love every one of your ideas but mostly the getting as much as possible up off the floor! Genius!! Can’t wait to get started!!

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  10. Anyone have a way to store golf bags (with the clubs in them, therefor they are not lightweight!). We have three!

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  11. I once read that we spend tens of thousands of dollars on a vehicle only to park it outside in the elements while our garage is packed full of much less valuable things. It really puts it in perspective to keep our garages organized enough so that we can park our cars inside!

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  12. Pingback: Tips For An Organized Backyard - One Good Thing by Jillee
  13. We have lots of cupboards in our garage so it gives it the “clean” look. There is even a small area to keep the lawn mower behind a closed door.

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  14. What helps me stay organized in the garage is to just hand over that whole space to my husband…. it IS the man cave. One of the things he does is hang long planks and boards between the rafters on the ceiling. When the garage door is up you can’t even see them. He also has a huge collection of nuts, bolts and screws, it rivals Home Depot, with each type in it’s own little drawer.

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  15. Be careful storing you clothes in the garage. I did that when my kids were young and the heat pulled stains out that I thought were long gone.

    I’m wanting to store all our shoes in the garage, so we put them away on our way inside. I’m thinking hanging clear pockets and a tub for each family member.

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  16. My husband was given some old metal school lockers when his grandpa passed away which he keeps tools in. My two daughters also have one each, and my husband put metal hooks on the outside of the locker door where they hang their backpacks and soccer bags. Old soccer shoes are kept in the locker.

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  17. Never under estimate bull dog clips. I clip them on the end of a 1 inch shelf and drop in a screw driver, pair of pliers, etc. in the silver handles. Tools are easy to find if you can see them. I suspend a piece of conduit beneath a shelf on electrical ties on bull dog clips that serves as a kind of curtain rod. Great place to hang clothes or spray bottles. I make “S” hooks out of wire to hang on the rod to accommodate scissors, spray bottles and so forth. The nice part is that the bull dog clips can be move easily. I think I have a good 20 years on you to accumulate stuff. But at least I can find the stuff now.

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  18. Great ideas! We have just put up some shelving, so the small bins, bicycle hooks, and large see-through bins are things I will have to look into. I do have a very large never-used plastic foam ice chest into which I have started putting items to get rid of, like clothes and small household items.

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  19. I used a piece of twine ( 24 inches) attached to the underside of a shelf (stapled in different directions to hold the twine in place). At the bottom, I attached an old toothbrush (you can use a piece of wood or plastic pipe). I wrapped it around then knotted it to hang about 13 inches down. I then, strung a roll of paper towels by aligning the toothbrush straight with the twine, pushed the roll onto the twine and when the roll dropped down the toothbrush was holding the paper towels in place. It works great and the paper towels are off the shelf or work space !! Enjoyed all the wonderful tips this week and always……………Please note the change in the first measurement as 24 not 18…..Sorry about the wrong measurement……….

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  20. I LOVE that you used a hanger as a tape holder- How simple but ingenious!!
    I have a huge plastic bin that I use to hold all the kids’ balls/bats/water guns/etc. Keeps all the outdoor toys in one place and they can find everything easily.
    We also do a lot of camping, so I have a HUGE hanging platform over the cars to store tents/sleeping bags/ stoves/lanterns/tarps…….. Out of the way, yet accessible.

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  21. Thanks on your marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed reading it, you can be a
    great author.I will be sure to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back sometime
    soon. I want to encourage you to continue your great work, have a nice holiday weekend!

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  22. I use rubbermaid tubs for decorations, sports equipment and copy paper boxes to corral other things in the garage. I will be using a lot of your tips in the near future as I can barely fit one vehicle in the 2 car garage right now after summer activities with teenage boys. Thanks for sharing all the great tips.

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  23. We can’t do this because our garage ceiling is low, but I love the idea of building shelving to hold plastic bins in the space above the car. Talk about using every available space ,

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  24. We live in Central FL. No basements, no extra storage. So our 2 car garage is our storage. It gets much to hot to put anything in the crawl space. Luggage, old paperwork that we still need to keep, holiday things, lawn mower and other yard tools. We are not supposed to have outdoor storage areas as per our HOA. I have free standing shelves and it does help but don’t have the wall space (because of the shelves) to hang a lot of things. Any ideas from FL readers short of renting a small storage unit? Thank you.

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  25. A few things that have really helped me keep the garage/workshop under better control start with making sure that I keep everything in categories. Holiday, crafts, tools, etc. In one area it is just Christmas decor with items for other holidays stored beside it. The wreaths are slipped into a clear cleaning bags to keep dust off and hung on the wall. For storing luggage I wipe it off with a cloth sprayed with furniture polish, slip it into clear bags and place it on upper shelves where it is out of the way, but will be clean and ready for the next use.
    One of the things that has been most helpful is using file storage boxes from Office Depot. Made of heavy duty cardboard with hand grips in each end they are easy to move around. They come in two sizes and are white on the ends making it good for labels and when stacked or on shelves they look clean and tidy. Best of all they are a less expensive investment when just beginning to get things in order.

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  26. I’m not much of an organizer, however, I do use bins like you have used for your clothes. I have them under beds with clothes, in the attic with Christmas decorations and in the closets. We don’t have a garage, but we do have a shed which needs some mass organization. I love your idea of taking everything out and cleaning it out. We definitely need to do that. I love your daily emails. Learn something new that I would like to implement at my house at least every week.

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  27. These tips are very timely because we’ve been storing some things for a family member in our garage and they’re coming to clear them out this weekend so I’m looking forward to getting the garage in order. I’ll be looking into some galvanized buckets of various sizes.

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  28. I don’t have a garage but my parents do, and they use peg boards on the walls and then hook tools and cords onto it. It’s been like that my whole life and keeps things very organized.

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  29. We have peg boards for hanging the hand tools. The magnetic strip is for organizing tools and over time can magnetize them. Magnetized strips can make your screws cling to the screwdriver, which can come in handy when putting things together.
    I have a question about your tape dispenser. Is that macaroni & cheese printed on the duct tape? What is the story behind that?

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  30. We store tools and many miscellaneous items on pegboard – it is installed on back wall of garage floor to ceiling and wall to wall. I plan to add a couple of shelves high on the peg board (using the long peg hooks made for shelving) and also bicycle hooks for a few other things. Loved your idea of bungee cords for hoses, etc!

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  31. My side of the garage is fairly organized…but, the hubbies side..oh, my……my next trip into town will include a stop at the Dollar Store for small storage bins and a stop at the hardware store for a couple of those magnetic strips…I love that idea……thank you for great suggestions…..

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  32. Thank you so much for your wonderful and practical ideas. My garage is a huge disaster and I have been waiting for cooler weather to tackle it with the help of my sons. I was planning on purchasing large metal shelves from Sam’s Club to get most of the boxes off the floor, but I will definitely implement your ideas also. I really love the magnet strip idea!! My boys are always working on their cars but always misplace their tools . I really think this idea will work for us. By the way, where can I get the magnet strip?

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  33. My husband built me some wonderful wooden shelving in the garage where I store all my holiday decorations and other items. I had everything neatly organized in Rubbermaid boxes but we failed to take into account he bin sizes when we built the shelves. A few quick measurements before we started would have helped create shelves we could load up more efficiently (I could have stacked the boxes lengthwise instead of width-wise and fit more boxes on the shelves). One or two inches and a little planning make a big difference!

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  34. I finally just put up a peg board, and I’m loving it! Now all the small things that were cluttering the shelf are now nicely hanging on the wall. Yay!

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  35. Magnetic strip! Why didn’t I think of that!?
    Gotta get me one.

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  36. Love the bungee cord/extension cord idea!

    A way to freshen up the garage is to hang drywall and paint the walls.

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  37. Love the idea with the bungee cord and extension cord!

    If you have drywall on your garage walls, one way to “finish” the look and make things cleaner/brighter would be to paint the walls.

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  38. These are great idea. I have pinned some to save for when we buy our first home! Loving these organizing blogs!

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  39. One great organizational tip I have received recently and use proliferously is the over the door shoe organizers. I once heard of someone using them to store extra cords, such as extension cords, telephone wires and cords, etc. I have expanded this idea for my work gloves, and cleaning supplies, just to name a few. Even the shower organizers have found a place. Another great and useful accessory are the Command strip hooks and such. I use them constantly for all kinds of things. I have even convinced my mother to use these items in her home.

    One last tip–extension rods between exposed studs, etc are great for hanging any kind of spray bottle with a handle. They don’t fall off or fall over, and it lets you use your shelves for other things!

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  40. Our favorite organizing trick in the garage is the peg board. It’s not a new invention but it works for us to get things out where we can see them and it’s so easy to move things around if necessary. We hang our kids’ scooters up, electrical cords, lawn tools, etc. I think I’ll steal your galvanized little bucket idea for my gloves though. That’s awesome!

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  41. Put everything back when you are done using it! :)

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  42. Awesome…really awesome. Would you have a full shot of your garage just for getting an idea of how everything is situated? I’m really thinking of trying to make our garage more conducive to my husband using it this winter. Like a heater mounted on the ceiling and getting things up off of the ground. I’d love to see how yours is laid out. Thanks so much for all you do!

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  43. So many great ideas in this blog! Our garage needs organization and now I have some ideas on where to start. Thank you!

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  44. We have a 6’X4′ peg board that we use to organize. I have buckets hanging from them for little odds and ends. I also recently cleaned the garage and got rid of all the cardboard boxes and replaced them with plastic containers of all sizes that I have bought on sale over the years.
    I really like the idea of the metal bar for misc. tools that seem to be used the most and never get put away.

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  45. Garage storage is a big thing with my husband. We have 2 plus a shed that he has wonderfully organized. I can find anything I need on my own even while he’s at work! My favorite are the plastic bins for storing all the little hardware. Loved this post!

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  46. I have a carport , I need to do this though , so this weekend will sweep out and put everything in order. Thanks for the great ideas !

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  47. We remodeled our kitchen and took one of the bottom cabinets out to the garage. A cheap piece of plywood on top covered with a plastic table cloth works great for the top (Staple the tablecloth on the underside to make it tight) I use these drawers for small garden tools, vacuum cleaner attachments for vacuuming out the car, my bird suet cakes, etc. In the large door we have a garbage can that holds our pop cans until we can take them to the recycle. The other door I keep our potting soil, fertilizer & weed killer. On top I have rubber maid containers filled with my different bird seeds for easy access to refill my feeders. Also our gas cans for filling mowers, trimmers and blowers. All nice and handy.

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  48. I LOVE the chalkboard labels for the bins and the idea of storing seasonal clothes, rather than keeping them all in your closet!

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  49. My husband better hide the power tools & not get sick anytime soon! The garage is his favorite dumping ground, and it drives me nuts. I love using the ceiling space & the rack for the fishing gear. Our laundry room backs to the garage & so there is this strange ledge about 2 feet from the floor that house the dryer vent so nothing can be pushed flush against the wall so shelves just don’t work for a large portion of the garage. But seeing your self made solutions could make that space much more effective storage space. Thanks for the ‘ah-ha’ moment this morning!

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  50. I too have cinderblock walls, and I also have some old metal ceiling rails from an old-style garage door. I use large, double ended hooks (sold for hanging plants) over these rails to hang my string trimmer, leaf blower, hose, and anything else I can manage to hoist that high.

    I am also lucky enough to have a garden shed with exposed studs. I love those as it is so easy to install pegboard (and more pegboard) for tools as well as that oft repeated Pinterest pin of using a pallet attached on its side for storing long handled tools.

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  51. I meant to say my guy’s stuff – Don’t you hate it when you make typos?

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  52. As Always, I love your daily emails. They keep me informed and motivated. We have a new garage, and it is a clean slate. I found a shelf (wire with coat hanger rail on bottom. I can attach the back side to the wall with screw eyes (so it can be folded down when not in use) and attach light chain to three places on the front edge (with snaps) the other end of each chain is screwed or hooked to the wall (forming a support triangle with the shelf). This should keep some of my guy’s (or mine) off the floor.

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  53. Im forwarding this to my husband. He already did some of this, throwing out stuff and putting things on shelves, we really need to hang our bikes. Thanks.

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  54. Well I don’t have a garage, but in the basement I definitely hang as many things on the walls as possible!

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  55. I hang my door wreaths on a pegboard with a garbage bag draped over them so they won’t get dusty. That might be about the extent of organization in my garage. It needs help!

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  56. I love the ball corral my husband made for our garage! I don’t know how we lived without it for so long. He used the skinny space next to the overhead door and made a square bottom. About 4 feet above, came the the square top. He strapped bungee cords vertically every 6 inches or so. It looks like the big ball holders at walmart. You can push the balls in and out, but they stay in place. We have footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, and big yard balls all up off the floor in one place!

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  57. The garage is one that I leave to hubby. He has several toolboxes out there, as well as a workbench with several shelves. He also has a caddy hanging on the wall that has 48 drawers, each one with different screws/nails/etc.

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  58. I stay organized in the garage by putting up shelving on the walls, labeling boxes and storing them on the shelves in “like” groups (i.e. – all the Christmas decoration boxes together), and using wall hangers to keep mops, brooms, large tools, and gardening supplies off the floor.

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  59. Wish i had a garage. Think it would keep the house more organized:)

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  60. Great ideas! Love the magnetic strip for the tools you use regularly. I have an idea on your fishing clothing, use clear dry cleaning bags to keep them dust free and you can see what is in them….. Thanks for sharing your tips all week, they have been very helpful. Hope you guys are feeling better soon:)

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  61. I also use an old plastic garbage can for my garden tools, but I put an old cinderblock in the bottom to keep it from tipping over when I put a top-heavy tool in there. Just put the handle in one of the holes!

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  62. I absolutely got to get one of those magnetic strips for my shop. I’ve never seen one of those, it’s great! @MJ: I got some tool racks, but a Rubbermaid trash is far better, I use it too and I love it.

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  63. Peg Boards, I wouldn’t know what to do without mine! I have three 4×8 boards in my garage and they hold all my garden tools, etc. You would be surprised at the different kinds of peg accessories they have now from shelf pegs to baskets of all shapes and sizes.

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  64. Such fantastic ideas. I’m going to implement the magnetic strip to keep my small gardening hand tools organized. I use something similar in the kitchen for my knives so why didn’t I think of it sooner?!

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  65. Jilly,
    Great ideas ! We use tubs frequently to organize.We have concrete walls so for our rakes,shoves etc, we use a trash can that sits in the corner of the garage. All items go handle end first and make it easy to grab what is needed.

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  66. We have a wall of peg board with hooks that hold outdoor items.

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  67. We used two sets of Ikea shelves (one standing vertically and the other horizontally on the floor) plus some hooks on the wall to create a cubby system for shoes, coats, and other miscellaneous items.

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  68. We installed slim shelves along one side of the garage to hold items like pots, outdoor seasonal decor, and gardening equipment.

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  69. Oh, Lord! Ya just had to “go to the garage” on this cleaning and organizing kick, didn’t ya? :) I know, I know…..we need to get out there and handle our problem area! Will do. Even the hubs is taking a day off of work to spend some time getting the job done.

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  70. I know this is not “organizational,” but purging goes a long way. We need to get rid of old flower pots, etc. Great ideas to get us started. thanks!

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  71. We just cleaned our garage on Sunday. We did a whole lot of purging. It feels much better to walk out into the garage now and actually be able to find what I need. Thanks for the great tips this week!

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  72. The main problem with our house for many years is it had no storage space, so all that stuff had to go in the garage. My dad built 3 wooden shelves and we also use a few plastic boxes. The main accomplishment was getting it organized enough to park one of the cars in the garage.

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  73. I love the ideas you shared, especially the hanger for the tape! Our different tapes seem to always go missing!
    We use a peg board with hooks to organize tools. It works well for us. Also, I saved glass jam and pasta sauce bottles and lids, and screwed the lids into a two by four. I then put odds and ends such as nails, screws, bolts, wadhers, etc into the jars, then you just twist the bottles back into the lids! The wood is mounted onto the wall, and the bottles are within easy reach, and you can remove them with one hand. And because they are clear. You can see the contents.

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  74. We use a Rubbermaid trash can to store our baseball bats, tiki torches and pool noodles. Also, having several milk crates, we created a quick, stackable shelving unit for our boots and car washing supplies. Love the yard tool wall rack and bungee cord ideas. Thanks!

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  75. One side of my garage is wood shelves, it helps with stacking and organization. I like your galvanized bucket idea. My garage is still very messy and still need more organization..thanks for the motivation.

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  76. Moving soon to our new home where our garage will have a lot of storage space for shelves and it even has pull down stairs for attic-like storage!

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  77. The garage is one area that I haven’t had a chance to even do one single organizational thing. It’s a mess, but after reading your fabulous tips, this area of my home is going to see some changes! Thanks for the great ideas!!!

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  78. Magnetic strip for tools, genius.

    ACHOO! Suggestion, why not drape an old sheet over the hanging coats? It would keep the dust off and can be washed easily. :-)

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      • Better yet, instead of a sheet, I would use dry cleaners clear plastic and tie a knot at the bottom to keep out the dust. This way it won’t look like there is a ghost in the garage. :)

  79. I can’t implement most of your great suggestions as our garage is cinder block walls and most of it is taken up with hubs office and the laundry. We do have lots of freestanding shelving though, so I’m going to at least do the labeled bins!

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    • Never underestimate the power of shelves! Haha :-)

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  80. We have two large 6′ steel shelves that hold an amazing amount of stuff ….everything from potting soil and supplements and fertilizers to tools to yard equipment. We also have pegboards to hold the smaller stuff, and we have storage near the ceiling for large seasonal items.

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    • I really like the way that you used a pants hanger to store all of those tape rolls on. I looked at that and said WOW! I a pant hanger that I have that is made to hold several pairs of pants that are in a vertical layering arrangement and store all of those ribbon rolls on. If you use a hanger like this with several layers, You can store ribbons on one and when planning they can be by the following: Color, size, fabric, and holiday. Simple sorting system at work.

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  1. Pingback: 19 Inexpensive Ways to Organize Your Garage | Two Cutepeas in a Pod
  2. Organizing your shoes or if you have too many.

    Buy the rectangular plastic storage boxes, just the size of a shoe box. Take a picture of the pair of shoes that will be going into the box. Glue the picture to the end of the pastime storage box. Then stack with the end showing. Now you have all your shoes and you have a picture of what is in the shoe box.

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  3. Pingback: Treasured Tidbits by Tina » Garage Planning
  4. Pingback: The singles of TAM - Page 1617
  5. Great ideas, I added a magnetic strip to my shopping list for my future garage clean-up. Milk crate stacking sounds good too. We have an old milk can with a rusting bottom, after we cut the rusty part off, attach it to the garage wall for a containment for the long handled yard tools.
    Smart of you not to paint your drywall until after organizing – you can see where the studs are!

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  6. Great ideas! I love when people inspire others to get organized. Have you seen Monkey Bar Storage systems? They are another useful tool for getting the garage organized.

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  7. Pingback: DIY Projects #1766
  8. I love the plastic bin idea with the dual chalkboard stickers! I have some in the garage but always had issues labeling them. The labels never seem to stick. We have some containers with little drawers in them to hold all of our screws, nails, nuts & bolts, etc. They are AMAZINGLY helpful in keeping all of them corralled and organized.

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  9. Jillee, this could not have come at a better time! We just moved into our new home and our plan for the weekend is to organize the garage before it gets to cold! Perfect timing! I love every one of your ideas but mostly the getting as much as possible up off the floor! Genius!! Can’t wait to get started!!

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  10. Anyone have a way to store golf bags (with the clubs in them, therefor they are not lightweight!). We have three!

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  11. I once read that we spend tens of thousands of dollars on a vehicle only to park it outside in the elements while our garage is packed full of much less valuable things. It really puts it in perspective to keep our garages organized enough so that we can park our cars inside!

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  12. Pingback: Tips For An Organized Backyard - One Good Thing by Jillee
  13. We have lots of cupboards in our garage so it gives it the “clean” look. There is even a small area to keep the lawn mower behind a closed door.

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  14. What helps me stay organized in the garage is to just hand over that whole space to my husband…. it IS the man cave. One of the things he does is hang long planks and boards between the rafters on the ceiling. When the garage door is up you can’t even see them. He also has a huge collection of nuts, bolts and screws, it rivals Home Depot, with each type in it’s own little drawer.

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  15. Be careful storing you clothes in the garage. I did that when my kids were young and the heat pulled stains out that I thought were long gone.

    I’m wanting to store all our shoes in the garage, so we put them away on our way inside. I’m thinking hanging clear pockets and a tub for each family member.

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  16. My husband was given some old metal school lockers when his grandpa passed away which he keeps tools in. My two daughters also have one each, and my husband put metal hooks on the outside of the locker door where they hang their backpacks and soccer bags. Old soccer shoes are kept in the locker.

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  17. Never under estimate bull dog clips. I clip them on the end of a 1 inch shelf and drop in a screw driver, pair of pliers, etc. in the silver handles. Tools are easy to find if you can see them. I suspend a piece of conduit beneath a shelf on electrical ties on bull dog clips that serves as a kind of curtain rod. Great place to hang clothes or spray bottles. I make “S” hooks out of wire to hang on the rod to accommodate scissors, spray bottles and so forth. The nice part is that the bull dog clips can be move easily. I think I have a good 20 years on you to accumulate stuff. But at least I can find the stuff now.

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  18. Great ideas! We have just put up some shelving, so the small bins, bicycle hooks, and large see-through bins are things I will have to look into. I do have a very large never-used plastic foam ice chest into which I have started putting items to get rid of, like clothes and small household items.

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  19. I used a piece of twine ( 24 inches) attached to the underside of a shelf (stapled in different directions to hold the twine in place). At the bottom, I attached an old toothbrush (you can use a piece of wood or plastic pipe). I wrapped it around then knotted it to hang about 13 inches down. I then, strung a roll of paper towels by aligning the toothbrush straight with the twine, pushed the roll onto the twine and when the roll dropped down the toothbrush was holding the paper towels in place. It works great and the paper towels are off the shelf or work space !! Enjoyed all the wonderful tips this week and always……………Please note the change in the first measurement as 24 not 18…..Sorry about the wrong measurement……….

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  20. I LOVE that you used a hanger as a tape holder- How simple but ingenious!!
    I have a huge plastic bin that I use to hold all the kids’ balls/bats/water guns/etc. Keeps all the outdoor toys in one place and they can find everything easily.
    We also do a lot of camping, so I have a HUGE hanging platform over the cars to store tents/sleeping bags/ stoves/lanterns/tarps…….. Out of the way, yet accessible.

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  21. Thanks on your marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed reading it, you can be a
    great author.I will be sure to bookmark your blog and definitely will come back sometime
    soon. I want to encourage you to continue your great work, have a nice holiday weekend!

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  22. I use rubbermaid tubs for decorations, sports equipment and copy paper boxes to corral other things in the garage. I will be using a lot of your tips in the near future as I can barely fit one vehicle in the 2 car garage right now after summer activities with teenage boys. Thanks for sharing all the great tips.

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  23. We can’t do this because our garage ceiling is low, but I love the idea of building shelving to hold plastic bins in the space above the car. Talk about using every available space ,

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  24. We live in Central FL. No basements, no extra storage. So our 2 car garage is our storage. It gets much to hot to put anything in the crawl space. Luggage, old paperwork that we still need to keep, holiday things, lawn mower and other yard tools. We are not supposed to have outdoor storage areas as per our HOA. I have free standing shelves and it does help but don’t have the wall space (because of the shelves) to hang a lot of things. Any ideas from FL readers short of renting a small storage unit? Thank you.

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  25. A few things that have really helped me keep the garage/workshop under better control start with making sure that I keep everything in categories. Holiday, crafts, tools, etc. In one area it is just Christmas decor with items for other holidays stored beside it. The wreaths are slipped into a clear cleaning bags to keep dust off and hung on the wall. For storing luggage I wipe it off with a cloth sprayed with furniture polish, slip it into clear bags and place it on upper shelves where it is out of the way, but will be clean and ready for the next use.
    One of the things that has been most helpful is using file storage boxes from Office Depot. Made of heavy duty cardboard with hand grips in each end they are easy to move around. They come in two sizes and are white on the ends making it good for labels and when stacked or on shelves they look clean and tidy. Best of all they are a less expensive investment when just beginning to get things in order.

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  26. I’m not much of an organizer, however, I do use bins like you have used for your clothes. I have them under beds with clothes, in the attic with Christmas decorations and in the closets. We don’t have a garage, but we do have a shed which needs some mass organization. I love your idea of taking everything out and cleaning it out. We definitely need to do that. I love your daily emails. Learn something new that I would like to implement at my house at least every week.

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  27. These tips are very timely because we’ve been storing some things for a family member in our garage and they’re coming to clear them out this weekend so I’m looking forward to getting the garage in order. I’ll be looking into some galvanized buckets of various sizes.

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  28. I don’t have a garage but my parents do, and they use peg boards on the walls and then hook tools and cords onto it. It’s been like that my whole life and keeps things very organized.

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  29. We have peg boards for hanging the hand tools. The magnetic strip is for organizing tools and over time can magnetize them. Magnetized strips can make your screws cling to the screwdriver, which can come in handy when putting things together.
    I have a question about your tape dispenser. Is that macaroni & cheese printed on the duct tape? What is the story behind that?

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  30. We store tools and many miscellaneous items on pegboard – it is installed on back wall of garage floor to ceiling and wall to wall. I plan to add a couple of shelves high on the peg board (using the long peg hooks made for shelving) and also bicycle hooks for a few other things. Loved your idea of bungee cords for hoses, etc!

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  31. My side of the garage is fairly organized…but, the hubbies side..oh, my……my next trip into town will include a stop at the Dollar Store for small storage bins and a stop at the hardware store for a couple of those magnetic strips…I love that idea……thank you for great suggestions…..

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  32. Thank you so much for your wonderful and practical ideas. My garage is a huge disaster and I have been waiting for cooler weather to tackle it with the help of my sons. I was planning on purchasing large metal shelves from Sam’s Club to get most of the boxes off the floor, but I will definitely implement your ideas also. I really love the magnet strip idea!! My boys are always working on their cars but always misplace their tools . I really think this idea will work for us. By the way, where can I get the magnet strip?

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  33. My husband built me some wonderful wooden shelving in the garage where I store all my holiday decorations and other items. I had everything neatly organized in Rubbermaid boxes but we failed to take into account he bin sizes when we built the shelves. A few quick measurements before we started would have helped create shelves we could load up more efficiently (I could have stacked the boxes lengthwise instead of width-wise and fit more boxes on the shelves). One or two inches and a little planning make a big difference!

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  34. I finally just put up a peg board, and I’m loving it! Now all the small things that were cluttering the shelf are now nicely hanging on the wall. Yay!

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  35. Magnetic strip! Why didn’t I think of that!?
    Gotta get me one.

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  36. Love the bungee cord/extension cord idea!

    A way to freshen up the garage is to hang drywall and paint the walls.

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  37. Love the idea with the bungee cord and extension cord!

    If you have drywall on your garage walls, one way to “finish” the look and make things cleaner/brighter would be to paint the walls.

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  38. These are great idea. I have pinned some to save for when we buy our first home! Loving these organizing blogs!

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  39. One great organizational tip I have received recently and use proliferously is the over the door shoe organizers. I once heard of someone using them to store extra cords, such as extension cords, telephone wires and cords, etc. I have expanded this idea for my work gloves, and cleaning supplies, just to name a few. Even the shower organizers have found a place. Another great and useful accessory are the Command strip hooks and such. I use them constantly for all kinds of things. I have even convinced my mother to use these items in her home.

    One last tip–extension rods between exposed studs, etc are great for hanging any kind of spray bottle with a handle. They don’t fall off or fall over, and it lets you use your shelves for other things!

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  40. Our favorite organizing trick in the garage is the peg board. It’s not a new invention but it works for us to get things out where we can see them and it’s so easy to move things around if necessary. We hang our kids’ scooters up, electrical cords, lawn tools, etc. I think I’ll steal your galvanized little bucket idea for my gloves though. That’s awesome!

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  41. Put everything back when you are done using it! :)

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  42. Awesome…really awesome. Would you have a full shot of your garage just for getting an idea of how everything is situated? I’m really thinking of trying to make our garage more conducive to my husband using it this winter. Like a heater mounted on the ceiling and getting things up off of the ground. I’d love to see how yours is laid out. Thanks so much for all you do!

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  43. So many great ideas in this blog! Our garage needs organization and now I have some ideas on where to start. Thank you!

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  44. We have a 6’X4′ peg board that we use to organize. I have buckets hanging from them for little odds and ends. I also recently cleaned the garage and got rid of all the cardboard boxes and replaced them with plastic containers of all sizes that I have bought on sale over the years.
    I really like the idea of the metal bar for misc. tools that seem to be used the most and never get put away.

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  45. Garage storage is a big thing with my husband. We have 2 plus a shed that he has wonderfully organized. I can find anything I need on my own even while he’s at work! My favorite are the plastic bins for storing all the little hardware. Loved this post!

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  46. I have a carport , I need to do this though , so this weekend will sweep out and put everything in order. Thanks for the great ideas !

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  47. We remodeled our kitchen and took one of the bottom cabinets out to the garage. A cheap piece of plywood on top covered with a plastic table cloth works great for the top (Staple the tablecloth on the underside to make it tight) I use these drawers for small garden tools, vacuum cleaner attachments for vacuuming out the car, my bird suet cakes, etc. In the large door we have a garbage can that holds our pop cans until we can take them to the recycle. The other door I keep our potting soil, fertilizer & weed killer. On top I have rubber maid containers filled with my different bird seeds for easy access to refill my feeders. Also our gas cans for filling mowers, trimmers and blowers. All nice and handy.

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  48. I LOVE the chalkboard labels for the bins and the idea of storing seasonal clothes, rather than keeping them all in your closet!

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  49. My husband better hide the power tools & not get sick anytime soon! The garage is his favorite dumping ground, and it drives me nuts. I love using the ceiling space & the rack for the fishing gear. Our laundry room backs to the garage & so there is this strange ledge about 2 feet from the floor that house the dryer vent so nothing can be pushed flush against the wall so shelves just don’t work for a large portion of the garage. But seeing your self made solutions could make that space much more effective storage space. Thanks for the ‘ah-ha’ moment this morning!

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  50. I too have cinderblock walls, and I also have some old metal ceiling rails from an old-style garage door. I use large, double ended hooks (sold for hanging plants) over these rails to hang my string trimmer, leaf blower, hose, and anything else I can manage to hoist that high.

    I am also lucky enough to have a garden shed with exposed studs. I love those as it is so easy to install pegboard (and more pegboard) for tools as well as that oft repeated Pinterest pin of using a pallet attached on its side for storing long handled tools.

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  51. I meant to say my guy’s stuff – Don’t you hate it when you make typos?

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  52. As Always, I love your daily emails. They keep me informed and motivated. We have a new garage, and it is a clean slate. I found a shelf (wire with coat hanger rail on bottom. I can attach the back side to the wall with screw eyes (so it can be folded down when not in use) and attach light chain to three places on the front edge (with snaps) the other end of each chain is screwed or hooked to the wall (forming a support triangle with the shelf). This should keep some of my guy’s (or mine) off the floor.

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  53. Im forwarding this to my husband. He already did some of this, throwing out stuff and putting things on shelves, we really need to hang our bikes. Thanks.

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  54. Well I don’t have a garage, but in the basement I definitely hang as many things on the walls as possible!

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  55. I hang my door wreaths on a pegboard with a garbage bag draped over them so they won’t get dusty. That might be about the extent of organization in my garage. It needs help!

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  56. I love the ball corral my husband made for our garage! I don’t know how we lived without it for so long. He used the skinny space next to the overhead door and made a square bottom. About 4 feet above, came the the square top. He strapped bungee cords vertically every 6 inches or so. It looks like the big ball holders at walmart. You can push the balls in and out, but they stay in place. We have footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, and big yard balls all up off the floor in one place!

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  57. The garage is one that I leave to hubby. He has several toolboxes out there, as well as a workbench with several shelves. He also has a caddy hanging on the wall that has 48 drawers, each one with different screws/nails/etc.

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  58. I stay organized in the garage by putting up shelving on the walls, labeling boxes and storing them on the shelves in “like” groups (i.e. – all the Christmas decoration boxes together), and using wall hangers to keep mops, brooms, large tools, and gardening supplies off the floor.

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  59. Wish i had a garage. Think it would keep the house more organized:)

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  60. Great ideas! Love the magnetic strip for the tools you use regularly. I have an idea on your fishing clothing, use clear dry cleaning bags to keep them dust free and you can see what is in them….. Thanks for sharing your tips all week, they have been very helpful. Hope you guys are feeling better soon:)

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  61. I also use an old plastic garbage can for my garden tools, but I put an old cinderblock in the bottom to keep it from tipping over when I put a top-heavy tool in there. Just put the handle in one of the holes!

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  62. I absolutely got to get one of those magnetic strips for my shop. I’ve never seen one of those, it’s great! @MJ: I got some tool racks, but a Rubbermaid trash is far better, I use it too and I love it.

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  63. Peg Boards, I wouldn’t know what to do without mine! I have three 4×8 boards in my garage and they hold all my garden tools, etc. You would be surprised at the different kinds of peg accessories they have now from shelf pegs to baskets of all shapes and sizes.

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  64. Such fantastic ideas. I’m going to implement the magnetic strip to keep my small gardening hand tools organized. I use something similar in the kitchen for my knives so why didn’t I think of it sooner?!

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  65. Jilly,
    Great ideas ! We use tubs frequently to organize.We have concrete walls so for our rakes,shoves etc, we use a trash can that sits in the corner of the garage. All items go handle end first and make it easy to grab what is needed.

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  66. We have a wall of peg board with hooks that hold outdoor items.

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  67. We used two sets of Ikea shelves (one standing vertically and the other horizontally on the floor) plus some hooks on the wall to create a cubby system for shoes, coats, and other miscellaneous items.

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  68. We installed slim shelves along one side of the garage to hold items like pots, outdoor seasonal decor, and gardening equipment.

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  69. Oh, Lord! Ya just had to “go to the garage” on this cleaning and organizing kick, didn’t ya? :) I know, I know…..we need to get out there and handle our problem area! Will do. Even the hubs is taking a day off of work to spend some time getting the job done.

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  70. I know this is not “organizational,” but purging goes a long way. We need to get rid of old flower pots, etc. Great ideas to get us started. thanks!

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  71. We just cleaned our garage on Sunday. We did a whole lot of purging. It feels much better to walk out into the garage now and actually be able to find what I need. Thanks for the great tips this week!

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  72. The main problem with our house for many years is it had no storage space, so all that stuff had to go in the garage. My dad built 3 wooden shelves and we also use a few plastic boxes. The main accomplishment was getting it organized enough to park one of the cars in the garage.

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  73. I love the ideas you shared, especially the hanger for the tape! Our different tapes seem to always go missing!
    We use a peg board with hooks to organize tools. It works well for us. Also, I saved glass jam and pasta sauce bottles and lids, and screwed the lids into a two by four. I then put odds and ends such as nails, screws, bolts, wadhers, etc into the jars, then you just twist the bottles back into the lids! The wood is mounted onto the wall, and the bottles are within easy reach, and you can remove them with one hand. And because they are clear. You can see the contents.

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  74. We use a Rubbermaid trash can to store our baseball bats, tiki torches and pool noodles. Also, having several milk crates, we created a quick, stackable shelving unit for our boots and car washing supplies. Love the yard tool wall rack and bungee cord ideas. Thanks!

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  75. One side of my garage is wood shelves, it helps with stacking and organization. I like your galvanized bucket idea. My garage is still very messy and still need more organization..thanks for the motivation.

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  76. Moving soon to our new home where our garage will have a lot of storage space for shelves and it even has pull down stairs for attic-like storage!

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  77. The garage is one area that I haven’t had a chance to even do one single organizational thing. It’s a mess, but after reading your fabulous tips, this area of my home is going to see some changes! Thanks for the great ideas!!!

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  78. Magnetic strip for tools, genius.

    ACHOO! Suggestion, why not drape an old sheet over the hanging coats? It would keep the dust off and can be washed easily. :-)

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      • Better yet, instead of a sheet, I would use dry cleaners clear plastic and tie a knot at the bottom to keep out the dust. This way it won’t look like there is a ghost in the garage. :)

  79. I can’t implement most of your great suggestions as our garage is cinder block walls and most of it is taken up with hubs office and the laundry. We do have lots of freestanding shelving though, so I’m going to at least do the labeled bins!

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    • Never underestimate the power of shelves! Haha :-)

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  80. We have two large 6′ steel shelves that hold an amazing amount of stuff ….everything from potting soil and supplements and fertilizers to tools to yard equipment. We also have pegboards to hold the smaller stuff, and we have storage near the ceiling for large seasonal items.

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    • I really like the way that you used a pants hanger to store all of those tape rolls on. I looked at that and said WOW! I a pant hanger that I have that is made to hold several pairs of pants that are in a vertical layering arrangement and store all of those ribbon rolls on. If you use a hanger like this with several layers, You can store ribbons on one and when planning they can be by the following: Color, size, fabric, and holiday. Simple sorting system at work.

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