How To Clean BBQ Grates (Of Any Size!)
I never needed to know how to clean a BBQ grill until 2015, which is when I bought myself a nice little Weber gas grill. (Neither my husband’s massive pellet smoker nor his large charcoal grill had proven particularly useful when I wanted to grill up something quick for dinner, which happens frequently during the summers!)
But my little Weber grill was more popular than I anticipated, and soon my son Erik was using it as frequently as I was! Needless to say, my shiny new grill didn’t stay that way for long, and all too soon its grill grates disappearing beneath a thick layer of greasy buildup.
The need to clean and maintain that little grill led me to discover the best way to clean BBQ grills, both large and small! And that’s exactly what you’ll learn here in this post.
Of the two grill cleaning hacks in this post, the first is best for small grills (like my trusty Weber grill), while the second is best for larger grills with heavy grill grates. No matter what kind of BBQ grill you have at home, these methods will help you get it cleaned up and ready for grilling season!
How To Clean Barbecue Grills

Method #1 – For Smaller Grills
Author’s Note: This method requires you to put the grill grate in your oven, making it perfect for smaller gas and charcoal grills. If you have a larger grill with grates that are too big to fit in an oven, skip to Method #2 to learn the best way to clean a large BBQ grill.
You’ll need:
- Gloves
- Grill brush
- Scrub brush
- Dawn dish soap
- Old towel

Preheat your oven to 500 F, then place your grill grate(s) directly onto the oven racks. Close the oven and set a timer for one hour.

It’s going to get a bit smoky in your kitchen during this period, so it’s a good idea to open up a few windows. (I also find it helpful to point a fan towards an open window or door to help direct the smoke outside.)

Once the timer goes off, turn off the oven and wait until the grill grate is cool enough to handle. Then take the grate either to your sink or outside somewhere and use your grill brush to remove the loosened grease and grime.
After brushing the gunk off, scrub the grate with some soapy water to cut through the remaining grease. Pat it dry with an old towel, replace the grate in your grill, and you’re done!

Method #2 – For Large Grills
You’ll need:
- Gloves
- Grill brush
- Dawn dish soap
- Old towel

Start by turning all of the burners on your grill to High, then shut the lid and allow the grill to heat up for 15 minutes or so. Next, turn off the burners and shut off the propane.

Dip your grill brush into a container of soapy water and start scrubbing the grates. Preheating the grates should make it easier to dislodge the more stubborn bits of gunk.

Continue scrubbing the grates with soapy water until you’re satisfied, then allow the grates to cool enough that you can handle them comfortably. Dampen an old towel and use it to wipe off any remaining greasy or soapy residue, and you’re done!
2 Bonus Tips For A Clean Grill
1. Brush After Each Use
Your grill will stay much cleaner over time if scrub the grates with your grill brush after each use. You don’t even have to use soap or water—the brush alone will make a big difference!
2. Go Beyond The Grates
Once your grill grates are clean, why not go a step further and clean the burners and cook box too? Learn how it’s done by watching this informative video on Home Depot’s YouTube channel.
More Grilling And Outdoor Living Tips
Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping your grill clean?