This Is The Best Way To Remove Labels From Glass Bottles, By Far

Remove labels easily by putting bottles into a sink full of water and washing soda and let them soak.
The first time I tried this I was amazed at how the sticker just floated away!

For the longest time I had a love/hate relationship with repurposing and reusing empty containers. While I loved being able to give empty bottles and jars new life by finding some other way to use them, I also hated how hard it was to remove the impossibly stubborn labels attached to them!

Over the past decade of my blogging career, I’m sure I’ve tried nearly every method under the sun for removing labels from glass jars and containers. I’ve mixed up dozens of potions and concoctions in my attempts to remove that sticky combination of paper and glue, but as is often the case, it turned out that the best solution was also the simplest one!

And I’ll be sharing my super simple method for how to remove labels from jars, bottles, and other glass containers here in today’s post. Hopefully this quick and easy method will make us all more likely to repurpose our glass instead of throwing it out! :-)

removing labels

My Secret Weapon For Removing Labels From Glass

It turned out that the solution to my problem of how to easily remove labels was already in my laundry room cupboard: OxiClean! Just one scoop of OxiClean and some warm water is all you need remove the labels from a whole batch of jars, bottles, or other glass containers.

Not only is it among the most effective methods I’ve tried, but it’s by far the easiest one! The OxiClean does all of the hard work for you, and you just sit back and watch those stubborn and sticky labels slide right off!

To learn about other useful things you can do with OxiClean around the house, check out this post!

How To Remove Labels From Glass

You’ll need:

removing labels


Start by gathering the glass items whose labels you want to remove. Place a sink stopper in your sink’s drain, add a scoop of OxiClean, then start filling your sink with warm water.

removing labels

Turn off the water when the water level in the sink is high enough to cover your bottles. Place the glass into the Oxiclean solution, and allow it to soak there for about 30 minutes.

removing labels

After half an hour, come back and check on the labels. (Put your gloves on first though—OxiClean can really dry out your skin!)

removing labels

The labels may have fallen off the glass at this point, or you may only have to peel them off. Either way, you shouldn’t have any trouble washing away the remaining residue!

removing labels
removing labels

Then just give your glass items a quick rinse, dry them off, and they’ll be ready to reuse in whatever way you see fit! :-)

What About Other Types Of Containers?

While this is by far the best method I’ve used for removing labels from glass containers, other methods may work better on other types of containers. Get all my best tips and tricks for removing labels and other types of stickers from all sorts of surfaces, check out this blog post.

What sort of containers do you like to reuse or repurpose?

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


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