I’ve noticed that some of my very favorite ideas that I’ve posted on this blog over the years have two qualities in common. One, it’s something practical that I would actually use, and two, it would make a great gift! And the idea that I’ll be sharing with you today has both qualities in spades. :-)

We like to refer to this hand scrub as the “Gardener’s Hand Scrub,” because it’s so effective at cleaning and softening dirt-caked, post-yard-work hands. However, there are plenty of other people besides gardeners who could benefit from having a jar of this stuff on their countertops! This hand scrub would be great for chefs, mechanics, construction workers, plumbers, painters, artists, crafters, etc. Pretty much anyone who gets their hands dirty on a regular basis would benefit from owning a jar of this scrub. So when I make a jar for myself, I always make a few extras to give away as gifts!
I would personally recommend this hand scrub to just about anyone, for several reasons. First, it’s effective. Not only does it get your hands clean, but it makes them feel so soft, too! Second, it’s almost laughable how easy it is to make. You’ll only need two ingredients! And lastly, it’s quite affordable as well. The ingredients are inexpensive, and a little goes a long way! Here’s how to make it.

Gardener’s Hand Scrub
You’ll need:
- Dawn Ultra Gentle Clean
- White sugar
- A jar
Related: 28 Ways To Use Dawn Dish Soap That Will Make Your Life Easier

Fill your jar about 2/3 of the way to the top with white sugar.

Next, fill the rest of the jar with your soap. Stop when the soap is about 1/2″ from the top of the jar.

Finally, stir the sugar and soap together. (I find that a bamboo skewer works well here. I seem to make less of a mess that way!) Stir the soap into the sugar until the whole thing reaches a paste-like consistency. I love the pale pink color it turns, but you can also get it in a beautiful green with aloe and sage. So pretty!
(If you’re planning on giving the scrub as a gift, you can skip the mixing step. The sugar will start dissolving once it’s combined with the soap, so you can lengthen the shelf-life a bit by not mixing until you’re ready to use it.)

Using Your Hand Scrub
To wash dirt, grease, or grime off your hands, scoop a small amount of the soap and sugar mixture into your hands and scrub. The sugar works like an abrasive to remove dirt and dead skin, and the Dawn soap helps to wash it all away. :-)
How do you get your hands clean after a dirty job?