Folding Towels Neatly: The Most Useful Skill You Can Learn In 30 Seconds

folding towels

It might seem silly to bother learning a specific method for folding towels, but I think there’s plenty of good reasons to do so! First and foremost, it can make a surprisingly big difference in how tidy your linen closet looks. (And who wouldn’t want to see neat stacks of uniformly-folded towels every time they open their linen closet?)

And neat stacks of towels aren’t just nice to look at—they’ll actually make better use of your storage space too. When you can stack things like towels neatly and efficiently, you can store more items around them without the area looking too cluttered.

folding towels

In order to help us all enjoy the benefits of nicely folded towels, today I’ll be sharing my preferred methods for folding towels, including washcloths, hand towels, and bath towels. These might work perfectly for you as-is, or you may need to tweak them slightly depending on the size of the storage area or container where you store your towels.

But either way, I hope these methods prove useful as useful to you as they have been for me! And may your neatly folded towels bring you a measure of peace and happiness in these crazy times. :-)

The Best Ways To Fold Your Towels Neatly

folding towels

How To Fold A Washcloth

  1. Lay the washcloth out on a flat surface and fold it in half.
  2. From there, fold the towel into thirds.
folding towels

How To Fold A Hand Towel

  1. Lay the hand towel out on a flat surface with the longer side facing towards you.
  2. Fold the towel into thirds by folding the bottom third up and the top third down.
  3. From there, fold the towel into thirds again by folding the left and right edges in towards the center.
folding towels

How To Fold A Bath Towel

  1. Lay the bath towel out on a flat surface with the longer side facing towards you.
  2. Fold the towel into thirds by folding the bottom third up and the top third down.
  3. From there, fold the towel in half.
  4. Fold the towel in half again the same way.
folding towels

Wasn’t that easy? While there isn’t really a wrong way to fold a towel, it never hurts to use methods like these that are quick, easy, and look great on your shelf! :-)

More Folding Tips & Tricks

Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping your linens tidy or organized?

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Jill Nystul (aka Jillee)

Jill Nystul is an accomplished writer and author who founded the blog One Good Thing by Jillee in 2011. With over 30 years of experience in homemaking, she has become a trusted resource for contemporary homemakers by offering practical solutions to everyday household challenges.I share creative homemaking and lifestyle solutions that make your life easier and more enjoyable!

About Jillee

Jill Nystul

Jill’s 30 years of homemaking experience, make her the trusted source for practical household solutions.

About Jillee


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